YouTube.com - KOLOPA by George Ka'inapau Hawaiian music c.1946-1950
Comments: KOLOPA by George Ka'inapau - fine Hawaiian music on BELL RECORDS of Hawaii, c.1946-1950. Fine Hawaiian music on Bell Records 78 rpm record c. 1946-1950. This label was very picky about the artists it recorded and the way the songs were played. Had to represent fine Hawaiian style music or it didn't make it. This is no exception. The high falsetto singing by George Ka'inapau is classic Hawaiian and brilliantly performed. George Ka'inapau was a superb Hawaiian singer and one of the finest falsetto singers. This is a fine example of his talent. Previously in my collection of records, I had a few very worn Bell Records. I recently acquired a small collection of pristine condition Bell Records with some great artists and songs, including Bill Li...
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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