YouTube.com - Iesu me ke Kanaka Waiwai COVER
Comments: This is a song that has a LOT of meaning to me and I LOVE it. It is written and sung in Hawai'ian about the story of the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10:17-22) who asked Jesus what he had to do to get eternal life. Our young hula dancer hasn't performed in five years, but she does an AWESOME job :) Here are the words (courtesy of - www.geocities.com Ma ke alahele `o Iesû I hâlâwai aku ai Me ke kanaka `ôpio hanohano Kaulana i ka waiwai Pane mai e ka `ôpio `E ku`u Haku maika`i He aha ho`i ka`ue hana aku ai I loa`ae ke ola mau? CH: `E hâ`awi, e hâ`awi lilo I kou mau waiwai Huli a hahai mai ia`u I loa`ae ke ola mau ia `oe Let me walk through paradise with you, Lord Take my hand and lead me there All my Earthly treasures Ill gladly give Teach me how t...
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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