YouTube.com - Mayumi describes her impressions and reflects on todays field trip to Aliiolani Hale in Honolulu.
Comments: On March 11, 2009 the Winter Term SP151 class visited Aliiolani Hale, the home of the Hawaii State Supreme Court, the Law Library and the King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Center. Students learned about traditional Hawaiian concepts of law and the development of a Western judicial system. Ali`iolani Hale was built in 1874, and is one of Honolulu's most historically significant buildings. The Judiciary History Center interprets over 200 years of dynamic legal history through audiovisual presentations, exhibitions, and public programs, serving as a bridge between the judicial branch of government and the community, affirming the importance of the law and legal system to our democratic society. For more information go to www.jhchawaii.net/ M...
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YouTube.com - Mock-Trial: Hawaii Judiciary History Center at Aliiolani Hale
Comments: On June 3, 2009 the SP151 Spring Term Personal and Public Speech class visited Aliiolani Hale, the headquarters of the judicial branch of Hawaii. The students participated in a mock-trial and toured the Hawaii Judiciary History Center. Our thanks goes to Keahe Davis and the staff of the HJHC. This was the first time a group from Hawaii Tokai International College participated in a mock-trial ("Furious Riding" case). Thank you Nicholas, Ken, Masashi, Mao and Shohei. Well done!
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YouTube.com - First Lego League 2011 Food Factor LegoStorm Ali'iolani Elementary School
Comments: Ali'iolani Elem's first robotics team "LegoStorm" participated First Lego League 2011 Food Factor on Nov. 5. 2011. It was a first year for the school, of course for students and their parents too. Also they only had 2 months to get ready for it. But they got 5th place at the mission!!! They learned a lot of things through this competition. Good job LegoStorm!!! You did the great job! We proud of you!
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