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  Videos (1 item)      [Add Video] - Aia i Honolulu Ku'u Pohaku           Comments: I had the opportunity to experience Ka Laua'e Foundation's 13th E Pili Kakou on Kaua'i. To learn a hula kahiko for Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani from Kumu Hula Pohai Souza was priceless! I so appreciated being able to honor this ali'iwahine who was a big reason for the Kamehameha Schools which provided me with my education as a youth! As an adult I continue to learn from her example of holding on to tradition! "The Honolulu stone is in reality the helmet of a long dead Puna chief named Kealohilani. This chief had the misfortune to anger Pele by courting one of Pele's sisters. Pele chased him into the water just below Honolulu (Hawai'i island) and turned him to stone. He may be seen to this day, a red stone formation in the shape of a man lying...
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