YouTube.com - Haleakala Hula
Comments: I fell in love with how Uluwehi Guerrero has personalized this hula classic! It is a beautiful song written by Aunty Alice Namakelua in 1941 for the Maui float in the Kamehameha Day parade. Aunty Alice was a kumu hula, slack key guitarist and an awesome lei maker. She used to teach hula at the District Park in Kane'ohe. She is credited for writing over 180 songs, but only released a single album when she was 84! No worries kupuna, we're going to slow it down, but just a tad! LOL!
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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YouTube.com - Uluwehi Guerrero - Haleakala Hula
Comments: www.Kaulupono.com Uluwehi - "Heart to Heart" Uluwehi Guerrero Featuring traditional Hawaiian music, hula and oli, with over 150 students from Uluwehi's Halau Hula Kauluokala of Maui. All rights reserved Halau Hula Kauluokala. Reposting of video's is granted but must link back to Halau website at http ?????Kauluokala???????????????????????????????????????????www.Kaulupono.com Reposting
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