YouTube.com - Little Drummer Boy
Comments: Last five minutes or so of "Little Drummer Boy." Lamb is run over and they go to see "the kings" to save him.
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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YouTube.com - The Little Drummer Boy (Perfect Version)
Comments: All Rights Belong to Artists Involved. "The Little Drummer Boy" is a popular Christmas song, with words and music by Katherine K. Davis. Henry Onorati and Harry Simeone have been credited with writing the song, even though they were only the arrangers for their recordings of it. The lyrics tell the apocryphal story of a poor young boy who, unable to afford a gift for the infant Jesus, plays his drum for the newborn with the Virgin Mary's approval. Miraculously, the baby, although a newborn, seems to understand and smiles at the boy in gratitude. The story is somewhat similar to an old twelfth-century legend retold by Anatole France as Le jongleur de Notre-Dame (The Juggler of Notre Dame), which was adapted into an opera in 1902 by Jules Mas...
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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YouTube.com - Sean Quigley - Little Drummer Boy
Comments: Pass this video along to everyone you love and post on your Facebook walls so everyone has a Merry Christmas! People have been asking... so, yes, I played all the parts, sang, arranged and recorded the whole thing. I had my sister run the camera for specific shots, then I edited the video and posted it here! - Glad everyone is enjoying it so much! Now Available for download: www.cdbaby.com/seanquigley You can now stay up to date by following me on Twitter! @SeanQuigley204 Directed and Edited by: Sean Quigley Song Arranged by: Sean Quigley Recording, Mixing/Mastering and Instrumentation and all video by: Sean Quigley Special Thanks To: Caitlin Quigley (Camera Operation) James McLellan (Consultation) Adam Friesen (Equipment) Alexa Lopez (Came...
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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