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  Videos (1 item)      [Add Video] - Mabulu-H'Lamalani(Admiration)           Comments: Mabulu The Mozambican band Mabulu symbolizes its nation's ongoing attempt to heal the wounds of a bloody, 16-year-long civil war by uniting up-and-coming young rappers and singers with master musicians from the golden age of marrabenta, Mozambique's classic pop sound of the '60s and '70s. Formed in 2000 under the auspices of East German expat producer Roland Hohberg, Mabulu brought together 62-year-old Lisboa Matavel and António Marcos (the "Grand Old Men of Marrabenta") with such youngbloods as 22-year-old rapper Chiquto and 20-year-old singer Chonyl. The group was rounded out by drummer Jorgito, bassist Eduardo and rhythm guitarist Zoco, all members of the Mozambican pop group Mix Malta. The result was a multigenerational mashup that brea...
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