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  Videos (1 item)      [Add Video] - How to make a cafe au lait           Comments: LIMITED TIME ONLY! Jasmine V App $1.99 Step 1: Brew the Coffee Select your coffee for its roast. An Italian dark roast will suffice. However, in order to stay with tradition, a French roast may be more suitable. Once ground, vital oils in coffee begin to dry. Keeping coffee in whole beans until it's time to use them may increase the flavor of your coffee. Store beans in a cool, air tight place to protect the oils from evaporating or freezing. Step 2: Scald the Milk The type of milk which is used will determine how fast it will scald. Take care not to boil milk, bringing it only to a point where tiny bubble begin to form. The higher the fat content of the milk, the more likely it is to boil, while skim milk takes much longer to bubbl...
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