YouTube.com - Bucking Horse - Bronco
Comments: A hard days work. This was not a joyride! When I started working the horse, it was very dangerous, attacking people, kicking and biting .... you couldn`t even put your foot in the stirrup, let alone get on the right way ... I`m not blaming the horse, I`m blaming all the owners who treated it like a Barbie doll! By the way, the horse is doing fine now.
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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YouTube.com - Bucking Horse with Female Rider
Comments: I picked up my video camera and pushed record just in time to catch my girlfriends horse throw a temper tantrum. He started trying to buck her off but she stayed on. YEE HAW!!!
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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YouTube.com - Bucking horse
Comments: Micah Riehl~ mprequine@yahoo.com for more info. Facilities located in Fountain, CO.
(Last Updated By: Site Admin - 12/20/2011)
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